ACFSA has been reorganised
By Farms In News On October 10, 2017
With a large debt of gratitude to the Collector crew the ACFSA was reorganised as a stand-alone incorporated society.
Our aim is to also become a registered charity with Deductible Gift Registration status.
The new committee is drawn from individuals located across Australia, including members of Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Station families and others who bring to the table a wide variety of skills and experience.
The committee members:
Madeleine McDonald Event organiser | history enthusiast Collector, NSW |
Paul Evans Century Station Cobar, NSW |
Di Masling Community organiser | history enthusiast Wagga Wagga, NSW |
Barry Hoare Century Station family member Dingo, QLD |
Peter Kelly AM Founder, Kelly Engineering Booleroo Centre, SA |
John Reardon Sesquicentennial Farmer Collector, NSW |
Monique Wye Century Farm family Nyngan, NSW SECRETARY |
Nanette (Kelly ) Aitken West Wallsend, NSW NATIONAL PRESIDENT |